20–21 apr 2015
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Final program

Monday 20th April

Session I

Chairman G. La Rana

14:15 -14:30

Welcome addresses:

C. Meroni, Director of INFN Milano

L. Perini, Director of the Department of Physics of University of Milano

M.Taiuti, President of CSN3 Nuclear Physics Committee of INFN

14:30 - 14:55

Status of the SPES project (20'+5')

G. Prete (LNL- Legnaro- Italy) PDF

14:55 – 15:20

SPES: updated information for users (20'+5')

F. Gramegna (LNL- Legnaro- Italy)

15:20 – 15:45

Beta decay as an absolute calibration probe
			for spin-isospin responses (20'+5')

H. Sakai (RIKEN - Japan) PDF

15:45 – 16:15

Coffee Break

Session II

Chairman A. Vitturi

16:15 – 16:40

Pushing the precision and sensitivity frontier: Lessons from the TRIUMF beta-decay program (20'+5')

P. Garrett (University of Guelph - Canada) PDF

16:40 – 17:00

Particle-vibration coupling effects on beta-decay of magic nuclei (15'+5')

Y. Niu (INFN sezione di Milano - Italy) PDF

17:00 – 17:25

The Alto photofission facility at IPN Orsay (20'+5')

S. Franchoo (IPNO - France) PDF

17:25 – 17:50

Decay Spectroscopy with MTAS and VANDLE (20'+5')

C. Gross (Oak Ridge National Lab. - USA) PDF

17:50 – 18:10

Decay studies around 78Ni (15'+5')

A.I. Morales- Lopez (Universita' degli Studi/INFN Milano - Italy) PDF

18:10 – 18:35

Physics opportunities with atomic physics techniques to probe nuclear ground-state properties (20'+5')

M. Kowalska (CERN - Switzerland) PDF



Tuesday 21st April

Session III

Chairman H.Sakai

9:00 – 9:25

Overview of decay spectroscopy at RIBF (20'+5')

H. Watanabe (RIKEN/Beihang University – Japan/China)

9:25 – 9:50

Beta-decay properties of neutron rich nuclei (20'+5')

T. Marketin (University of Zagreb - Croatia) PDF

9:50 – 10:10

Beta-delayed neutron spectroscopy using a transparent Paul trap (15'+5')

S. Grevy (CENBG - France) PDF

10:10 – 10:30

Beta-decay studies of nuclei near the 1st r-process peak at SPES: challenges and opportunities (15'+5')

T. Kurtukian- Nieto (CENBG-CNRS - France) PDF

10:30 – 10:50

The Isolde Decay Station: Year 1 and near future physics program (15'+5')

M. Madurga Flores (CERN – Switzerland) PDF

10:50 – 11:10

Coffee Break

Session IV

Chairman N. Alamanos

11:10 – 11:30

Neutron-rich nuclei produced at ALTO: investigations of decay properties and the nuclear structure via beta decay (15'+5')

D. Testov (JINR Dubna/INFN Legnaro – Russia/Italy) PDF

11:30 – 11:55

Beta-decay studies for nuclear structure, astrophysics and applications (20'+5')

A. Algora (IFIC Valencia – Spain) PDF

11:55 – 12:10

An ISOL-target project within the context of the J-PARC ADS Target Test Facility (10'+5')

R. Orlandi (ASRC - Japan Atomic Energy Agency – Japan)

12:10 – 12:25

TOF measurements at SPES (10'+5')

G. de Angelis (LNL – Italy) PDF

12:25 – 13:00
