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21–25 Sept 2015
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Hidden Conformal Symmetry of Maxwell's Theory in $d\neq 4$

24 Sept 2015, 16:30
Aula A1 (LNF, High Enegy Building n. 36)

Aula A1

LNF, High Enegy Building n. 36

Oral contribution PARALLEL SESSION IV


Ms Kelly Chiu (SLAC)


In this work, we define a modified non-local conformal transformation compatible with BRST formalism for $U(1)$ gauge field, which is a symmetry of the Maxwell's theory in any dimension. We prove the invariance by explicitly showing that the gauge invariant transverse two point function, the classical action, and equation of motion are unchanged under such transfomation.

Primary author

Ms Kelly Chiu (SLAC)


Prof. Stanley Brodsky (SLAC)

Presentation materials