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21–25 Sept 2015
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Light Front Perturbation without Spurious Singularities

22 Sept 2015, 17:30
AULA A1 (LNF, High Energy Building n.36)


LNF, High Energy Building n.36

Oral contribution PARALLEL SESSION II


Dr Jerzy A. Przeszowski (Faculty of Physics, University of Bialystok)


A new form of the light front Feynman propagators is proposed. It contains no energy denominators. Instead the dependence on the longitudinal subinterval x^2_L = 2 x^{+} x^{-} is explicit and a new formalism for doing the perturbative calculations is invented. These novel propagators are implemented for the one-loop scattering matrix for a massive scalar field. The consistency with results for the standard covariant Feynman diagrams is obtained and no spurious singularities are encountered at any step. Some remarks on the calculations with fermion and gauge fields in QED and QCD are added.

Primary author

Dr Jerzy A. Przeszowski (Faculty of Physics, University of Bialystok)

Presentation materials