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21–25 Sept 2015
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

True muonium on the light front

24 Sept 2015, 17:30
Aula A1 (LNF, High Enegy Building n. 36)

Aula A1

LNF, High Enegy Building n. 36

Oral contribution PARALLEL SESSION IV


Mr Henry Lamm (Arizona State University)


The true muonium (μ^+μ^-) bound state presents an interesting test of light-cone quantization techniques. In addition to the standard problems of solving these non-perturbative calculations, true muonium requires correct treatment of e^+e^- Fock state contributions. Having previously produced a crude model of true muonium using the method of iterated resolvents [1], current work has focused on the inclusion of the box diagrams that should improve the cutoff dependent issues of the model. Further, a parallel computer code allowing for decreased numerical uncertainties is in development. This talk will focus on the current state of these efforts to develop a model of true muonium testable at near-term experiments. [1] H. Lamm and R.F. Lebed, “True Muonium (μ^+μ^−) on the Light Front,” J. Phys. G 41 125003 (2014).

Primary author

Mr Henry Lamm (Arizona State University)


Prof. Richard Lebed (Arizona State University)

Presentation materials