21–25 Sept 2015
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Asymptotic freedom of gluons in Hamiltonian dynamics

22 Sept 2015, 16:30
AULA A1 (LNF, High Energy Building n.36)


LNF, High Energy Building n.36

Oral contribution PARALLEL SESSION II


Dr Maria Gomez-Rocha (University of Graz)


Asymptotic freedom of gluons in QCD is obtained in the leading terms of their renormalized Hamiltonian in the Fock space. We calculate the three-gluon interaction term in the front-form Hamiltonian for gluons using the renormalization group procedure for effective particles (RGPEP). The resulting three-gluon vertex is a function of the scale parameter, $s$, that has an interpretation of the size of effective gluons. The corresponding Hamiltonian running coupling constant, $g_{\lambda}$, depending on the associated momentum scale $\lambda=1/s$, is calculated in the series expansion in powers of $g_0=g_{λ_0}$ up to the terms of third order, assuming some small value for $g_0$ at some large $\lambda_0$. The third-order QCD solution of the RGPEP equation to be discussed, provides an explicit example of how asymptotic freedom of gluons is exhibited in the scale-dependence of Hamiltonians as operators in the Fock space. References: [1] Asymptotic freedom in the front-form Hamiltonian for quantum chromodynamics of gluons, M. Gomez-Rocha, S. D. Glazek, arXiv:1505.06688. [2] Nonperturbative QCD: A Weak coupling treatment on the light front, K.G. Wilson, T.S. Walhout, A. Harindranath, W.-M. Zhang, R.J. Perry, S.D. Glazek. Phys.Rev. D49 (1994) 6720-6766 [3] Dynamics of effective gluons, S. D. Glazek, Phys. Rev. D63, 116006, 29p (2001). [4] Perturbative formulae for relativistic interactions of effective particles, S. D. Glazek, Acta Phys. Pol. B43, 1843, 20p (2012).

Primary author

Dr Maria Gomez-Rocha (University of Graz)


Prof. Stanislaw Glazek (University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials