21–25 Sept 2015
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Light-front $\phi^4_{1+1}$ theory using a many-boson symmetric-polynomial basis.

24 Sept 2015, 17:10
Aula A1 (LNF, High Enegy Building n. 36)

Aula A1

LNF, High Enegy Building n. 36

Oral contribution PARALLEL SESSION IV


Sophia Chabysheva (University of Minnesota-Duluth)


We extend earlier work on fully symmetric polynomials for three-boson wave functions to arbitrarily many bosons and apply these to a light-front analysis of the low-mass eigenstates of $\phi^4$ theory in 1+1 dimensions. The basis-function approach allows the resolution in each Fock sector to be independently optimized, which can be more efficient than the preset discrete Fock states in DLCQ. The approach also allows for a direct calculation of the expectation value of the field.

Primary author

Sophia Chabysheva (University of Minnesota-Duluth)

Presentation materials