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21–25 Sept 2015
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

T-odd gluon TMDs inside a transversely polarized hadron

24 Sept 2015, 17:10
Aula Seminari (LNF, High Energy Building no 36)

Aula Seminari

LNF, High Energy Building no 36

Oral contribution PARALLL SESSION III


Dr Miguel Echevarria (Nikhef / VU University Amsterdam)


The limit of high gluon density is currently under active investigation, both from the theoretical and the experimental side, since gluons play an increasingly important role as the energy of the relevant scattering process increases. Thus it is our aim to better understand this limit in order to get valuable information on the 3-dimensional structure of hadrons. In this talk I will analyze the three leading power T-odd gluon TMDs inside a transversely polarized target in the perturbative regions, i.e., at large transverse momentum and the saturation regime. I will show that all of three gluon TMDs can be dynamically generated by the Qiu-Sterman function at large transverse momentum. Moreover, when a close loop gauge link in the fundamental representation appears in these T-odd gluon TMDs, they turn out to be identical at small x, and can as well be related to the spin dependent odderon.

Primary author

Dr Miguel Echevarria (Nikhef / VU University Amsterdam)

Presentation materials