Registration will be available online on the Conference website from February 2 to May 3, 2015. Fees are in Euros (€) - V.A.T. 22% included. EARLY REGISTRATION until April 15, 2015 LATE REGISTRATION after April 15, 2015 Full Participant € 300,00 € 380,00 Students € 200,00 € 250,00 Accompanying person € 100,00 € 120,00 STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT PROOF OF THEIR STUDENT STATUS, by sending to a presentation letter from their Institution. Student registration is available for undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students ONLY. The Full Participant and Students’ Fee includes: - Admission to all sessions; Conference kit; Abstract Book; Coffee-breaks; lunches at LNL canteen from May 13 to 15; Welcome cocktail; Social Dinner; transportation between Padova Hotels to LNL and back. The Accompanying person’s fee includes: - Welcome cocktail; Social dinner (including transportation from Padova to the Restaurant). Cancellation Policy and Refunds In case of cancellation before April 30, the registration fee will be refunded. After this date no refund will be possible. Cancellation must be always confirmed in writing. Refunds will be processed after the Conference. Payment The fee must be paid in Euro (€) to Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Sezione di Padova by bank transfer or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Maestro). • BANK TRANSFER: Beneficiary: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Sezione di Padova Conto Congressi e Foresterie Bank name: Banca UNICREDIT – Filiale di Frascati Via Enrico Fermi, 40 – Frascati Account # 102577624 IBAN: IT 55 I 02008 39105 000102577624 SWIFT Code: UNCRITM1385 Reference: “UCANS V - Fee for (family name and first name of the participant). Please specify title of the Conference (UCANS V), your family name and first name, as a description of payment. Please note that all bank charges must be covered by the remitter. • CREDIT CARD: Please, refer to this page to pay by credit card. Fiscal Receipts/Invoices A fiscal receipt will be issued for every fee paid. Fiscal receipts will be addressed to the registered participant and will be available at the registration desk. In case you need an invoice addressed exclusively to your Institute, you are kindly asked to send an email in advance to the UCANS secretariat (, specifying the exact name and address of your institute as well as tax information (VAT ID number). INFN Participants only/ Partecipanti INFN I partecipanti in missione a carico INFN dovranno effettuare il pagamento della fee di partecipazione tramite storno dalla propria struttura di appartenenza alla Sezione di Padova (come previsto dalla circolare n. 43/2012 del 27/2/2012). Il partecipante deve presentare la richiesta di autorizzazione a compiere la missione all’amministrazione di appartenenza specificando nelle note che “la fee di € 300 (o €200 se studente) sarà corrisposta mediante il sistema degli storni tra strutture”. Sarà cura dell’Amministrazione organizzatrice richiedere alle altre strutture da quali capitoli effettuare lo storno. Go to the Registration Form
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