09–10 dic 2014
Palazzo della Carovana, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Europe/Rome fuso orario

General Information

There is no fee for the meeting, but please register at this page before Nov 30th.

The meeting will be held in Pisa, a small town located near Florence on the Western Coast of Italy. The sessions will take place in Palazzo della Carovana (google map link), the main building of Scuola Normale Superiore, located in the historic centre of Pisa.

Parking is really scarce around the area, so the best option is to walk. In the Accommodation page you can find many hotels in the area that are just 10-15 minutes walk from the Palazzo. Other transportation details can be found at this page.

The sessions on Dec 9th will be held in Sala Azzurra room, while the next day they will be held in Aula Bianchi room.

Lunches will be served in the Scuola Normale Cafeteria in the building right behind the Palazzo.
The social dinner on Tuesday 9th will be held tentatively in a restaurant close-by.
Lunches will be offered by Scuola Normale, but participants will have to pay for the social dinner.

More detailed information about the meeting will be given later. For any question, please let us know using the link under the menu on the left.

For other touristic information about the town you can see those links: