Sep 3 – 7, 2014
Hotel Portoconte
Europe/Rome timezone



Opened Jun 19, 2014
Closed Sep 6, 2014
Contact info

________ The registration fee is 400 €. This registration fee includes the workshop dinner coffee breaks (one each morning; one each afternoon), one or two excursions, and transportation from airport to the Hotel and back. The workshop site (Hotel Porto Conte – Alghero) can be reached directely from Alghero airport (15-20 minutes). Minibuses will be available. Please register as soon as possible using the “registration form”, because the hotel has a limited number of rooms available, and other hotels are quite far from the site of the workshop. Payment of the registration fee can be made either by cash at the opening of the symposium or by bank transfer before September 3rd. ________ Bank name: Unicredit Banca SpA - Viale Gorizia, 21 - Roma - Italy Account holder: Associazione Internazionale per l'Imaging Biomedico - AIB Iban account nr.: IT86D0200805077000401260484 BIC/SWIFT code: UNCRITM1c27 description of payment: "Medical Imaging Workshop" ___________

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.