York Haemisch
This talk will try to determine stimulating and hindering factors in the translation of research ideas and projects into new medical imaging devices. The focus will be on ideas originating from the particle physics/detector research community applied to isotope based imaging. Recent and past examples of successful and failed projects will be discussed with a special attention to the respective roles of the manufacturers involved. Questions that will be brought up for discussion also in the following round table are:
Are the developments by the medical instrumentation industry impacted by the work of the research instrumentation community?
If so, to what degree? How can that impact be increased?
What are the success factors for an efficient translation?
What are the reasons for failure?
Does the size/location/ownership structure of the partnering company have an impact on the chances for success?
Particular attention will be given to the role of clinicians in that translation process. The talk shall conclude with an assessment of the current role of medical equipment manufacturers in the process and an analysis of factors that have changed over the past 20 years.