03–07 set 2014
Hotel Portoconte
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Gastrointestinal endoscopy I

4 set 2014, 15:30
Hotel Portoconte

Hotel Portoconte



Ivo Boskowski (Catholic University of Rome, Digestive Endoscopy Unit)


In the past three decades gastrointestinal endoscopy has dramatically evolved. This evolution passed from rigid endoscopes trough fiber optic endoscopes to high definition video endoscopes that are used today. Physics and medicine has always been in symbiosis, especially in the field of development of devices and accessories. Gastrointestinal endoscopy endoscopy today is either diagnostic and therapeutic. Endoscopic Ultrasound, Narrow Band Imaging, Intraductal Ultrasound, Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography are only some of the diagnostic tools that have enriched GI endoscopy and give the possibility to diagnose dysplasia and cancer, and that literally can see over the walls of the gut. With the speed of the actual development in the field of endoscopy, in future we will probably have endoscopes that can diagnose pre-dysplastic changes of the GI mucosa and ducts, and that will be capable of injecting drugs that will block all dysplastic processes.

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