ET-ILIAS_GWA joint meeting

Auditorium (EGO/Virgo site)


EGO/Virgo site

Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy
Harald Lueck (MPG Hannover), Massimo Bassan (INFN Roma 2), Michele Punturo (INFN Perugia and EGO)
Joint meeting of the FP6 activity ILIAS-GWA and of the FP7 design study ET.

The JR3 and N5 ILIAS activities supported the merging of the European scientific communities involved in the gravitational wave (GW) detection research; this permitted the realization and the submission of the successful ET proposal, that now is started as design study, supported by the European commission within the Framework Programme 7. The main target of this meeting is to permit the transfer of the ILIAS heritage to the ET working groups. For this reaseon the ET and ILIAS sessions are interlaced. The ET science case, the achievements of the thermal noise R & D in JR3 and their significance fo ET, the infrastructure issues of a 3rd generation GW detector, the GW sources and the ET design study organization will be discused.

Event supported by:

  • Adalberto Giazotto
  • Albrecht Ruediger
  • Aldo IANNI
  • Alessandro Morgia
  • Alessio Rocchi
  • Alexander KHALAIDOVSKI
  • Andrea Chincarini
  • Andrea Paoli
  • Andrea VICERร‰
  • Andreas Freise
  • Angela Di Virgilio
  • Angelo SAJEVA
  • Antonio Pasqualetti
  • Antonio Pontin
  • Arianna DI CINTIO
  • B.S. Sathyaprakash
  • Badri Krishnan
  • Bas Swinkels
  • Benno Willke
  • Benoit Mours
  • Bernard LAGRANGE
  • Bruce Allen
  • Bruny Baret
  • Carlo Bradaschia
  • Carlo Nicola Colacino
  • Chris Van Den Broeck
  • Christian Schwarz
  • Cristiano PALOMBA
  • Daniel Heinert
  • Ed Porter
  • Elena Cuoco
  • Elisabetta CESARINI
  • Enrico calloni
  • Eugenio coccia
  • Ewald Mueller
  • Flavio Vetrano
  • Francesco Fidecaro
  • Francesco MARINO
  • Franco Carbognani
  • Franco Frasconi
  • Franรงois BONDU
  • Frederic Richard
  • Fulvio Ricci
  • Gareth Jones
  • Giancarlo CELLA
  • Gianluca Gemme
  • Gianluca Maria Guidi
  • Giovanni Andrea Prodi
  • Giovanni Cantatore
  • Giovanni LOSURDO
  • Giulia Pagliaroli
  • Giuseppina Modestino
  • Guido PIZZELLA
  • Hans-Thomas Janka
  • Harald LรœCK
  • Henning Rehbein
  • Iain Martin
  • Ik Siong Heng
  • Jacques COLAS
  • James Clark
  • Janyce Franc
  • Jean Pierre ZENDRI
  • Jim Hough
  • Jo van den Brand
  • Jocelyn Read
  • John Veitch
  • Jonathan Gair
  • Julien MARQUE
  • Karsten Danzmann
  • Kostas Glampedakis
  • Kostas Kokkotas
  • Leone B. Bosi
  • Leor Barack
  • Luciano Rezzolla
  • Maria Alessandra Papa
  • Marielle van Veggel
  • Marin Karuza
  • Martin Doets
  • Massimo Bassan
  • Matteo Barsuglia
  • Matteo Lorenzini
  • Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio
  • Michael Plissi
  • Michele Bonaldi
  • Michele Punturo
  • Nazario MORGADO
  • Nicola LIGUORI
  • Paola Puppo
  • Paolo Falferi
  • Patrick SUTTON
  • Pierre-Franรงois Cohadon
  • Raffaele Flaminio
  • Renzo Parodi
  • Riccardo DeSalvo
  • Riccardo STURANI
  • Richard day
  • Ronny Nawrodt
  • Sabrina D'ANTONIO
  • Sheila Rowan
  • Shourov CHATTERJI
  • Simona Birindelli
  • Stefan Hild
  • Stefania MARASSI
  • Stuart Reid
  • Tania Regimbau
  • Tomasz Bulik
  • Valeria Ferrari
  • Veronica Colautti
  • Virginie Bornes
  • Viviana Fafone
  • Wolfango Plastino
    • 11:00 13:00
      Registration 2h EGO Reception

      EGO Reception

      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Workshop registration

    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch 1h Mensa EGO

      Mensa EGO

      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy
    • 14:00 14:10
      Meeting Opening and Welcome Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Welcome messages

      • 14:00
        Welcome talk 5m
        Speaker: Dr Jacques Colas (European Gravitational Observatory)
      • 14:05
        Meeting IntroductionTalk 5m
        Speaker: Michele Punturo (PG)
    • 14:10 18:10
      Joint STREGA (JR3) - ET WP2: Thermal noise R&D and future suspension design Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Thermal noise issues and suspension 3rd generation design

      • 14:10
        STREGA: news and communications 10m
        Speaker: Massimo Bassan
      • 14:20
        ET - WP2 Startup 5m
        Speaker: Fulvio Ricci (RM1)
      • 14:25
        Loss measurements in bulk materials at low temperatures 20m
        Speaker: D. Heinert
      • 14:45
        Status repor of material research for DUAL 15m
        Speaker: Nicola Liguori
      • 15:00
        Low temperature dissipation in coating materials 20m
        Speaker: Stuart Reid
      • 15:20
        Characterization of Ti:Ta2O5 coatings 15m
        Speaker: Nazario Morgado
      • 15:35
        Particle interaction with resonant detectors: cosmic ray detection and RAP experiment 20m
        Speaker: Giuseppina Modestino (LNF- INFN)
      • 15:55
        cofee break 20m
      • 16:15
        Hydroxide catalysis bonding of silicon in Glasgow 15m
        Speaker: Marielle van Veggel
      • 16:30
        Progress report on the prototypes of the DUAL detector: capacitive selective readout 15m
        Speaker: Antonio Pontin
      • 16:45
        Progress report on the prototypes of the DUAL detector: optical readout 15m
        Speaker: Francesco Marino
      • 17:00
        Dissipation properties in metal springs 15m
        Speaker: Arianna Di Cintio (LIGO- Caltech & University of Rome la Sapienza)
      • 17:15
        Characterization of the PACO Prototype 15m
        Speaker: Renzo Parodi
      • 17:30
        A full scale cryogenic payload for 3rd generation GW Interferometers 20m
        Speaker: Paola Puppo
    • 18:10 18:20
      Coffee break 10m Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy
    • 18:20 19:20
      Seminar: Birth of the Gravitational Waves search in Italy Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Seminar of the prof. Guido Pizzella on the history of the Gravitational Wave research in Italy

      • 18:20
        Birth of the Gravitational Waves search in Italy 1h
        Speaker: Guido Pizzella (LNF)
    • 08:30 09:00
      Joint ET WP5 - ILIAS WP3: European GW research strategy Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Coordination of the European activities toward a 3rd generation observatory, report on the ILIAS coordination activity

      • 08:30
        ILIAS WP3 activity report and ET organization 30m
        Speaker: Dr Harald Lueck (MPG, Hannover)
    • 09:00 11:00
      ET WP3: Interferometry topology Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Topology for 3rd generation GW observatories

      • 09:00
        Plans for WG3 20m
        Speaker: Dr Andreas Freise (University of Birmingham)
      • 09:20
        The ET sensitivity curve with conventional techniques 20m
        Speaker: Dr Stefan Hild (University of Birmingham)
      • 09:40
        Comparing different detector topologies 20m
        Speaker: Dr Benoit Mours (LAPP Annecy)
      • 10:00
        Overview of quantum noise suppresion techniques 40m
        Speakers: Mr Helge Mueller-Ebhardt (AEI Hannover), Mr Henning Rehbein (AEI Hannover)
      • 10:40
        Detection noise and quantun fluctuations amplification 20m
        Speaker: Dr Giancarlo Cella (INFN Pisa)
    • 11:00 11:20
      coffee break 20m Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy
    • 11:20 12:00
      ET-WP3: Interferometry Topology (2) Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Interferometer topology

      • 11:20
        High-power lasers and their stabilization 20m
        Speaker: Dr Benno Willke (AEI Hannover)
      • 11:40
        Squeezing for future GW detectors 20m
        Speaker: Khalaidovski Khalaidovski (MPG)
    • 12:00 13:00
      ILIAS WP1 : Current GW detectors upgrade and commissioning Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Commissioning of current GW detectors

      • 12:00
        ILIAS WP1 activity report 20m
        Speaker: Giovanni Losurdo (FI)
      • 12:20
        Virgo+ upgrade and commissioning 20m
        Speaker: Dr Enrico Calloni (INFN Napoli)
      • 12:40
        GEO600 upgrade commissioning 20m
        Speaker: Dr Harald Lueck (MPG, Hannover)
    • 13:00 14:20
      Lunch 1h 20m Mensa EGO

      Mensa EGO

      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy
    • 14:20 15:20
      ET WP1: Infrastructures for 3rd generation GW detectors Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      3rd generation gravitational wave observatory infrastructures

      • 14:20
        Site selection and infrastructure for ET 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Jo van den Brand (Nikhef - VU)
      • 14:35
        Search for suface site in Germany, underground detector configuration 15m
        Speaker: Dr Albrecht Ruediger (AEI)
      • 14:50
        Seismic data from Homestake 15m
        Speaker: Mr Angelo Sajeva (Univ. of Pisa)
      • 15:05
        ET and micro-seismic noise 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Wolfango Plastino (RM3)
    • 15:20 15:30
      Coffee break 10m Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy
    • 15:30 19:30
      ET WP4: Astrophysics issues for ET Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Science case and astrophysics issues for 3rd generation observatory

      • 15:30
        Evolution of compact binary rates to high redshifts 20m
        Speaker: Dr T Bulik (Warsaw)
      • 15:50
        BNS foreground and background in ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr T. Regimbau (Nice)
      • 16:10
        Intermediate black hole binaries in ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr J. Gair (Cambridge)
      • 16:30
        Measuring the mass function of neutron stars with ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr C. Van Den Broeck (Cardiff)
      • 16:50
        Localizing binary sources in ET and mesuring their parameters 20m
        Speaker: Dr S. Bose (Pullman)
      • 17:10
        break 20m
      • 17:30
        Binary source modelling for ET 20m
        Speaker: Prof. L. Rezzolla (Golm)
      • 17:50
        Glitches, mountains and instabilities 20m
        Speaker: Dr K. Glampedakis (Tuebingen)
      • 18:10
        Continuous wave searches with ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr B. Krishnan (Golm)
      • 18:30
        How can multi-messenger astronomy benefit ET 20m
        Speaker: Eric Chassande-Mottin
      • 18:50
        ET searches for gamma-ray bursts 20m
        Speaker: Dr G. Jones (Cardiff)
      • 19:10
        Evolution of computational infrastructure over the next decade 20m
        Speaker: Dr L. Bosi (Perugia)
    • 20:40 22:40
      Social Dinner 2h Restaurant


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy
    • 08:30 10:30
      ILIAS WP2: workshop on Supernovae, neutrinos and gravitational waves Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Supernovae, neutrinos and gravitational waves

      • 08:30
        The gravitational wave signal of core collapse supernovae 40m
        Speaker: Ewald Mueller
      • 09:10
        Neutrino signals from core-collapse events 40m
        Speaker: Thomas Janka
      • 09:50
        SN neutrino detection and perpectives 40m
        Speaker: Aldo Ianni
    • 10:30 10:50
      Coffee break 20m Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy
    • 10:50 13:15
      ILIAS WP2: workshop on Supernovae, neutrinos and gravitational waves (2) Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy

      Supernovae, neutrinos and gravitational waves

      • 10:50
        SN neutrinos as an external trigger for GW search 40m
        Speaker: Giulia Pagliaroli
      • 11:30
        Data Analysis 40m
        Speaker: Shourov Chatterji
      • 12:10
        The Antares Neutrino Telescope: Status report 25m
        Speaker: Bruny Baret
      • 12:35
        Towards joint searches of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos 25m
        Speaker: Eric Chassande-Mottin
    • 13:15 14:45
      Lunch 1h 30m Auditorium


      EGO/Virgo site

      Via E.Amaldi 56021 S.Stefano a Macerata Cascina (Pi) Italy