Il corso coprira' i seguenti item:
- Fileset
- Quota
- Disk Pool
- Subnets
- Snapshots
- File clonig
- Remote cluster access
- UID remapping
- Clustered NFS (CNFS) using GPFS on Linux
- ILM e policy
- Active file management (AFM): concept and tuning
- Disaster recovery in GPFS cluster
Using GPFS for Disaster Recovery:
- Setting up a GPFS cluster with synchronous mirroring utilizing GPFS replication
- Setting up a GPFS cluster with asynchronous mirroring utilizing AFM
Miscellaneous advanced administration topics:
- Changing IP addresses and host names
- Enabling a cluster for IPv6
- Using multiple token servers
- Exporting file system definitions between clusters
- GPFS port usage
- Callbacks
- Monitoring
- Pre-view of GPFS v.4.1
Le lezioni saranno integrate da esercitazioni durante le quali si potranno sperimentare le funzionalita' trattate durante le lezioni.