Francesco Buccheri
15/09/2014, 13:50
We map a system of one-dimensional guides containing bosons with strongly repulsive interaction onto the topological Kondo model. We study the thermodynamic properties by computing the ground state energy and the temperature dependence of the free energy shift due to the junction.
Edoardo Vescovi
(Humboldt University Berlin)
15/09/2014, 14:10
We compute the null cusp anomalous dimension of ABJM theory at strong coupling up to two-loop order. This is done by evaluating corrections to the corresponding superstring partition function, weighted by the AdS4xCP3 action in AdS light-cone gauge. We compare our result, where we use an anomalous shift in the AdS4 radius, with the cusp anomaly of N=4 SYM, and extract the two-loop contribution...