Sep 15 – 18, 2014
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Europe/Rome timezone

Talks & Posters

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
Besides a series of plenary talks by invited speakers of approx. 1h., there will be room for a very limited number of short communications of about 30 min. A Poster Session will be organized as well.
You can choose to register yourself for a poster or a talk.

Inscription for a talk / poster

If you want to propose yourself as a contributor for a short talk or a poster, please proceed as follows:
  • Fill in the title and an abstract. The title field is mandatory. It is not compulsory to provide abstract immediately, but it is requested before the deadline.
  • Any reference to published material is welcome at the end of the abstract field.
  • Choose the "Talk" or "Poster" selection. Selecting "Poster" means that you choose to present a poster, while the "Talk" choice means that it may be a talk (if you are among the selected) or a poster otherwise. (The choice "Plenary talk" is reserved for invited speakers)
  • You can change your mind and request a talk/poster or modify your title/abstract at any time before the deadline by entering again this form (click the modify option that will appear after the first submission), with your Indico credentials.
  • Proposals that do not contain a clear title and abstract at the date of the deadline will not be considered
  • Use the "Primary Author" field to select your name as the speaker of this talk in a list of Indico users (sorry for the stupid procedure, instead of simply asking to write your name, but the software is a bit rigid...). Use the "Co-Authors" field if you want to add the names of your collaborators. There is also a field for "Comments" you might think useful for the organizers in relation to your talk.
  • The "Attach files" field allows you to upload your presentation in anty of the allowed formats (see below) before your arrival. This will allow us to charge and test in advance your files on the computer that will be devoted to the slide projection during the conference. We strongly encourage to do so rather than arriving at the very last moment with your slides file on a usb-pen and discovering that it does not work properly, waste time trying to fix, etc...
After the deadline, you can still modify the title and abstract fields. However, if you make changes to your title/abstract after this date, your new proposal must undergo re-examination by the scientific board.

Selection procedure

  • Posters: If you choose to present a poster, the only criterion applied is whether the subject is relevant to the topics of the Workshop.
  • Short Talks: As the place available for short talks is very limited, we are obliged to proceed to a selection of applications of speakers. It will take place soon after the deadline.
Those requesting to talk that we are unable to accomodate will be offered the possibility to prepare a poster instead.
The selection criteria for talks will be the following (in order of importance):
  • relevance of the proposed talk to the main topics of the Workshop;
  • younger speakers will be given an opportunity.
Results of the selection will be communicated to the interested people by e-mail. Soon after, the definitive program will be published on the Web page of the workshop. Details will be circulated a few days after the deadline.


A collection of titles/abstracts of the presented talks/posters will be published on the Web and also in a little booklet to be distributed to the participants. So the higher the care you have in preparing your abstract, possibly with refs. to your paper(s) on the subject, the better you are advertising your work.
We plan to collect the slides of the talks to create a sort of Web Proceedings of the Conference. If somebody prepares transparencies for their talk in one of LyX, LaTeX, FoilTeX, SliTeX, Postscript, Pdf or OpenOffice formats, we greatly appreciate sending us a copy of the file(s) in order to distribute them electronically after the Workshop. The slides should be sent as attachment by e-mail to, with subject "Presentation: first_name family_name".
Those who prepare their slides by handwriting will be asked after their talk to leave the transparencies to local organizers of the conference for scanning.

- At the time of writing the present notes, we have not yet decided if there will be any proceedings of the Workshop. The very limited budget at our disposal strongly discourages this possibility. We shall keep our participants informed.

The call for abstracts is closed.