Tuesday morning
- Paul Pearce (University of Melbourne)
Panagiota Adamopoulou
(University of Kent)
16/09/2014, 10:00
We discuss a connection between classical (1+1)-dimensional A_{n}^{(1)} affine Toda field theories (ATFTs) and Bethe Ansatz systems. We show that the connection coefficients for specific solutions of the associated linear problem for the classical ATFTs satisfy certain functional relations. This way we enlarge the so-called ODE/IM correspondence.
Based on: P. Adamopoulou, C. Dunning 2014...
Roberto Tateo
16/09/2014, 11:00
Plenary Talk
The discovery of integrability in the planar limit of AdS/CFT has
triggered a renewed interest toward the study of finite-size corrections of exactly solvable systems. In this talk, I will present a very recent idea which has made possible the reduction of the complicated Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations for the anomalous dimensions of composite operators in $AdS_5/CFT_4$ and in...
Nikolai Kitanine
(Université de Bourgogne)
16/09/2014, 12:00
We study the asymptotic behaviour of the dynamical correlation functions of massless quantum integrable models. We develop an approach based on the summation of the appropriate (critical) form factors. We show that this approach gives rise to a number of new hypergeometric identities. These identities lead to the leading terms of the asymptotics for the two-point and multi-point correlation...