May 17 – 20, 2015
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Dynamic Brain PET/MR Using TOF Reconstruction

May 19, 2015, 11:20 AM
Room Maria Luisa

Room Maria Luisa

Talk 6 - Whole-body and dedicated organ MR-PET Session 6 - Whole-body and dedicated organ MR-PET


Mohammad Mehdi Khalighi (GE Healthcare)


In a functional PET/MR study, it is difficult to get good temporal resolution of activity distribution from PET images because of the need to image for a certain length of time to get sufficient count statistics (image SNR). Time-of-flight (TOF) reconstruction can be used to increase PET images SNR and therefore increase the temporal resolution. Five patients were injected with 410±80 MBq of FDG and scanned 140±30 minutes post-injection on a simultaneous TOF-enabled PET/MR scanner. PET images were reconstructed with and without TOF. TOF reconstruction shows faster convergence while it achieves a temporal SNR improvement of 5-45% (25±15%) compared to non-TOF reconstruction. With this additional SNR gain, frame durations as short as 30s are possible while preserving reasonable image quality. This in turn effectively increases the temporal resolution of dynamic brain studies using simultaneous PET/MR imaging.

Primary author


Andrei Iagaru (Stanford University) Gaspar Delso (UniversitätsSpital Zürich) Greg Zaharchuk (Stanford University) Michel Tohme (GE Healthcare)

Presentation materials