10–15 Sept 2014
Primošten (Croatia)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Why mean pt is interesting

14 Sept 2014, 17:20
Primošten (Croatia)

Primošten (Croatia)

<a href="http://www.hotelzora-adriatiq.com/en/hotel-zora" target="blank" color="white">(HOTEL ZORA)</a>
Saturation Saturation


Prof. Michal Praszalowicz (Jagiellonian University)


We review recent ALICE data on mean pt in pp and in pPb collisions. First we show that multiplicity spectra exhibit geometrical scaling (GS) and then we study its consequences as far as mean pt is concerned. Next we discuss appropriate scaling variable for mean pt dependence on N_ch which is related to the interaction radius R. We use Color Glass Condensate results for R dependence on N_ch. Finally we show what are the limitations on the energy behavior of R at fixed multiplicity and propose a simple model in which R at large N_ch tends to a fixed value that does not depend on energy. Such behavior has testable phenomenological consequences that seem to be supported by the data.

Primary author

Prof. Michal Praszalowicz (Jagiellonian University)

Presentation materials