Grigory Safronov
We present recent CMS measurements on multijet correlations using forward and low-pT jets,
focusing on searches for BFKL and saturation phenomena. In p-p collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV,
azimuthal correlations in dijets separated in rapidity by up to 9.4 units were measured.
The results are compared to BFKL- and DGLAP-based predictions. In p-p collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV,
cross sections for jets with pT>21 GeV and |y|<4.7, and for minijets with pT>1 GeV are presented.
The minijet results are sensitive to the bound imposed by the total inelastic cross section, and are
compared to various models for taming the growth of the 2->2 cross section at low pT.
Primary author
Grigory Safronov