10–15 Sept 2014
Primošten (Croatia)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Impact factor for quark-antiquark-gluon jet production in DDIS

11 Sept 2014, 18:45
Diffraction in DIS Diffraction in DIS (IV)


Mr Renaud Boussarie (LPT Orsay)


We present the calculation of the impact factor for the photon to quark, antiquark and gluon transition within Balitsky's high energy OPE. We also rederive the impact factor for photon to quark and antiquark transition within the same framework. These results provide the necessary building blocks for further phenomenological studies of inclusive diffractive DIS as well as for two and three jets diffractive production which go beyond approximations discussed in the litterature.

Primary author

Mr Renaud Boussarie (LPT Orsay)


Dr Andrey V. Grabovsky (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and Novosibirsk State University) Dr Lech Szymanowski (NCBJ Warsaw) Dr Samuel Wallon (LPT Orsay)

Presentation materials