10–15 Sept 2014
Primošten (Croatia)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

The photon PDF of the proton

14 Sept 2014, 16:30
Primošten (Croatia)

Primošten (Croatia)

<a href="http://www.hotelzora-adriatiq.com/en/hotel-zora" target="blank" color="white">(HOTEL ZORA)</a>
Progress in QCD Progress in QCD (III)


Prof. Alan Martin (IPPP, Durham)


We show how the photon input parton distribution function (PDF) may be calculated with good accuracy, and used in an extended DGLAP global parton analysis in which the photon is treated as an additional point-like parton. The uncertainty of the input photon PDF is relatively small, since the major part of the distribution (which is produced by the coherent emission of the photon from a proton that remains intact) is well known. We present the expected photon PDFs, and compare the predictions with ZEUS data for isolated photon electroproduction at negative rapidities.

Primary author

Prof. Alan Martin (IPPP, Durham)


Prof. Mikhail Ryskin (PNPI, St.Petersburg)

Presentation materials