S3: X-Rays/Neutrons/Atoms Channeling
- Kouichi Tsuji (Osaka City University)
Session 3.2
Jorge Eduardo Fernandez
(Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna)
07/10/2014, 11:30
Invited talk
MCSHAPE [1] is a general purpose Monte Carlo code developed at the University of Bologna to simulate the multiple scattering of the prevailing photon-matter interactions in the energy range 1-1000 keV, including a detailed evolution of the polarization state of the radiation. MCSHAPE is particularly appropriate for describing the multiple scattering terms which, overlapped, build up the whole...
Augusto Marcelli
(LNF), Dr
Mikhail Mazuritskiy
(Southern Federal University)
07/10/2014, 12:00
Capillary optics is a basic X-ray technology capable to deliver a high flux density with a sub-micrometer spot. This compact optics could be easily used used to guide and shape a X-ray beam characterized by a high intensity, a small spot, a low divergence and high homogeneity. We present here synchrotron radiation soft X-ray experiments performed in transmission with different types of...
Alexander Lobko
(Institute for Nuclear Problems)
07/10/2014, 12:30
Dynamical diffraction theory of the parametric gamma-rays is presented in the current contribution.
Alpik Mkrtchyan
(Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University 634050, Lenin Avenue 30, Tomsk, Russia.)
07/10/2014, 12:45
In the work [1] it was first observed the phenomenon of the full pumping of thermal neutron beams from transmitted direction to the reflection direction from the reflecting atomic planes (101 ̅1) of single quartz crystal in the Laue geometry under the influence of the temperature gradient. In [2] considered theoretically the problem of diffraction of the neutron beam in single crystals under...