Poster Session
- Claudia Polese (LNF)
Session PS3
Andrea Liedl
09/10/2014, 17:00
A novel study about different types of polycapillary optics utilization is presented. The scope of this study is to achieve efficient radiation collimation that avoids total external reflection into the capillary channel. For this purpose a vibration is induced to emulate a "virtual roughness" on the channel surface.
The transmission properties of the system is studied at different...
Valentina Trunova
(1A.V. Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS)
09/10/2014, 17:00
The availability of right reference sample with certified concentrations of all elements of interest often becomes a problem in the SRXRF analysis because of a wide range of objects with different matrices and varieties of element content to analyze. In this case, the mass attenuation coefficients of characteristic radiation in matrices to analyze can be applied to absorption correction, and...
Szabina Torok
(HAS Centre for Energy Research, Budapest)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Different neutron guide materials are selected for the future European Spallation Source under construction in Lund, Sweden. Many charged particle and neutron sources around the globe have never considered the activation of beam material being exposed to the ionizing radiation. When the operation is terminated or refurbishment of beam lines becomes necessary the beam line scientists face the...
Akbarali Rasulov
(Andijan State University, University Str. 129, 110020 Andijan, Uzbekistan)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Ion implantation has become a very important technique for modifying surface and impurity doping of semiconductors. The ion implantation processes lead to change of a profile of composition and structure of the subsurface layers. Using glancing-angle ion implantation for surface modification rather than conventional near-normal incidence ions allows expanding the energy range up to ~10 keV and...
Yuichi Takabayashi
(SAGA Light Source)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Channeling phenomena have been extensively studied using mainly single crystals as targets. In this report, we present experimental results on channeling effects for 255-MeV electrons in a Mo polycrystal. Its applications to beam manipulation techniques and radiation sources are also discussed.
Behnam Azadegan
(Hakim Sabzevari University, Physics department)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Louis de Broglie predicted that the electron has an internal clock oscillating with frequency ν_B=(m_e c^2)/h determined by its rest mass me [1]. He then deduced that the frequency of a moving electron observed in a laboratory will be ν_L=ν_B/γ where γ is the relativistic time dilation factor. Detecting the internal electron clock seemed out of the question because of the ultrahigh frequency...
Andrey Oleinik
09/10/2014, 17:00
Turning of non-relativistic electron beam in the transverse electric field created by pyroelectic crystals is shown experimentally for the first time. The angle of the beam bending is measured and the value of the transverse electric field is estimated. Prospects for application of pyroelectric crystals for steering of particle beams are discussed.
Nikolai Shul'ga
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT)
09/10/2014, 17:00
The probability of close interactions of high-energy positively and negatively charged particles with atoms in a bent crystal was considered as a function of the angle between the initial particle momentum and the bending plane. The results of simulation of positively charged particle motion in a bent crystal show the great efficiency of high-energy positively charged particle deflection by a...
Anatoly Sabirov
(Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia)
09/10/2014, 17:00
A great number of papers are devoted to theoretical investigation of the atomic particle channeling in nanotubes. As a rule the nanotubes with ideal structure are considered for which thin effects connected with the scattering on atoms and electrons are taken into account. Actually the real nanotubes always have imperfections one of them is their curved shape. In this work we attempt to...
Alexander Shchagin
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)
09/10/2014, 17:00
A.V. Shchagin1,2, N.F. Shul’ga1,3, S.V. Trofymenko1
1Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine
2Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia
3Kharkov National University, Kharkov, Ukraine
The thickness of the depleted zone in a partially depleted semiconductor detector can be smoothly changed by variation of high voltage power supply of the detector [1]. In present...
Alexander Shchagin
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)
09/10/2014, 17:00
O.C. Druj, V.V. Yegorenkov, A.V. Shchagin, V.B. Yuferov
Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine
The deflection of the electron beam passing through a bent glass tube without any external power supply is shown experimentally. The incident electron beam was produced by the inductive accelerator with energy 200 keV, current 10 kA, duration 100 ns. The glass tube...
Karo Ispirian
(A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), Brothers Alikhanians, 2, Yerevan, 0036, Armenia)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Many recent analytical and numerical calculations show that stable electron acceleration in vacuum and production of attosecond electron bunches are possible only with the help of very high intensity laser beams, while the calculations [1] carried out only in plane wave approximation show that weaker laser beams are required in order to obtain significant transversal deflection of high energy...
Irina Lysova
(Chuvash State Pedagogical University)
09/10/2014, 17:00
In modern works by channeling in carbon nanotubes treated basically the process of ion [1] and the proton channeling. In our work, we have attempted to examine the process of channeling atomic flux consisting of 50 or more particles. Basic atoms that were considered is O, H, N.
In the simulation, we used LAMMPS [2] with developing interatomic potentials ReaxFF. Currently, we investigated the...
Yuriy Shtanov
09/10/2014, 17:00
Modeling the deflection of 855 MeV electrons in (111) the planar channels bent crystal silicon performed by numerically solving the kinetic Fokker−Planck equation in the phase space of the transverse coordinates and velocities. It is shown that the simulation results do not describe the experiment.
Nikolay Kalashnikov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia)
09/10/2014, 17:00
The channeling particles is characterized by the bound quantum states of its transversal motion. Photon interactions with the channeling particles in a single crystal may be accompanied by the energy transitions between the transverse motion levels of channeling particles. The photon combination (Raman) scattering by the quasi-bound channeling particles leads to the appearance of a frequency...
Yuri Eykhorn
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
09/10/2014, 17:00
It is shown that the band structure which calculated by the proposed method, agrees with the results obtained by the standard method - by the transformation of the Schrödinger equation with relativistic mass into an algebraic equation using the Fourier series [2-3]. Comparison carried out both for a periodic Pöschl-Teller potential and for the "real" average periodic potential of (220) planes...
Alexey Dik
(Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Science)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Since the first work on the phenomenology of charged beams channeling in the field of aligned crystals the interest of physicists to this feature of the beam motion in solids is defined by the possibilities of beam manipulation that aims in the beam shaping (crystal collimation) as well as in the radiation release (channeling radiation) [1, 2, 3].
Known and recent studies on interaction of...
Igor Vnukov
(Belgorod sate university, Belgorod, Russia)
09/10/2014, 17:00
It is well known that microstructure of the crystals essentially influence on interaction processes of fast particles and quanta. On the base of approaches developed for description of X-ray diffraction in mosaic crystals type a and b influence of crystals microstructures on emission observed characteristics such as parametric X-ray radiation and real photons of bremsstrahlung and transition...
Anton Stepanov
(Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute, Cheboksary, Russian Federation), Dr
Gennadiy Filippov
(Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Slow particles channeling in carbon nanotubes (CNT) is applicable to physical vapor deposition processes (PVD), ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD), focused ion beam (FIB) modification of thin film materials and driving of ion beam. Slow moving channeling particles in CNTs may excite elastic waves of the nanotube walls [1]. We provide molecular dynamic simulation of 100 eV Ar+ ion channeling...
Aleksei Ivanov
09/10/2014, 17:00
In this paper analyzes the process of dynamic screening of external charges, moving over the surface of graphene disposed on a substrate. We are considered here relatively slow ions with velocities from thermal speeds to Bohr velocity. We explore here the effects of dynamic polarization of graphene on a substrate by ion motion parallel to its surface. We limited the study of the effects...
Gennady Kovalev
09/10/2014, 17:00
It is well known that main source of orthogonal coordinate systems is a conformal transformation, but the use of analytical functions
for separation of Schrodinger or Helmholtz equations in 2D space is restricted to only 4 coordinate systems: Cartesian, polar, parabolic and elliptic. The first 3 coordinate systems are unique and can be considered as degenerated cases of the last one. In...
Ishmumin Yadgarov
(1Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies, Tashkent, Uzekistan)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Using molecular dynamics method with Brenner interatomic potential [1], we studied the channeling of ideally collimated beam of hydrogen atoms (1000 atoms, 100-250eV/atom) through carbon nanotubes (CNT). CNT with diameter of 13.6 angstroms were placed in one plane, parallel to each other at a distance apart 3 angstroms. Hydrogen atoms are directed along the axes of the tubes. During H...
Yury Gavrikov
09/10/2014, 17:00
Since experiment at circulating beam of CERN Super Proton Synchrotron has been started in 2009 the need of crystal positioning became a crucial for success of experiment. The present status of experiment on crystal collimation study, experience of development and using of goniometers at CERN SPS is presented.
The working principle, features and performance of goniometers which have been...
Yury Gavrikov
09/10/2014, 17:00
Crystal channelling and collimation experiments are based on precise angular orientation of crystals provided by linear and rotational stages. Autocollimation principle is one of the most optimal, direct and contactless method widely used for precise angular measurements.
In the frame of UA9 crystal collimation experiment at CERN different type of commercial and custom made autocollimators...
Valery Nikoghosyan
(A. Alikhanian National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), Armenia, 0036, Alikhanian Br. Str. 2)
09/10/2014, 17:00
A.R. Mkrtchyan, A.H. Mkrtchyan, A.A. Saharian, V.R. Kocharyan, A.S. Ghalumyan, V.Ts. Nikoghosyan, A.Z. Babayan, E.M. Harutyunyan, V.V. Nalbandyan, H.R. Muradyan, G.A. Ayvazyan, A.I. Soghomonyan, V.V. Margaryan, A.E. Movsisyan, E.H. Baghdasaryan, S.A. Miraqyan
The work is devoted to the suppression of noncoherent bremsstrahlung radiation of the relativistic electrons with 40-50 MeV energy...
Vladimir Shpakov
09/10/2014, 17:00
Advanced accelerator technology, based on plasma structures, produce high brightness electron beams, which can be used to drive advanced radiation sources. Indeed, electron beams to be injected into the plasma and
accelerated in the plasma channel are characterized by small transverse size and ultra-short time duration,
allowing the production of coherent radiation in the THz range. In...
Bruno Paroli
(Universita degli Studi di MIlano)
09/10/2014, 17:00
Simulation and detection of betatron radiation in laser-wakefield acceleration are important tasks because they can reveal theoretical and practical information about beam properties in beam-plasma interaction. We present the results of a 3-dimensional simulation with particular attention to the coherence of the radiation. Furthermore we discuss about a single-shot diagnostics to map the...
Vladimir Vysotskii
(Kiev National Shevchenko Univ, Kiev, Ukraine)
09/10/2014, 17:00
The problem of optimization of "accelerating (beam)" fusion in crystal lattice is discussed. It is shown that in monocrystal targets like LiD the rate of fusion process with the participation of both target nuclei and beam of fast nuclei, directed at Lindhard angle, may be increased by 10-100 times compared to the alternative process of deceleration on atomic electrons. Such changes are based...