5–10 Oct 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

WD-XRS Imaging with Polycapillary Optics

7 Oct 2014, 10:15


Prof. Kouichi Tsuji (Osaka City University)


A projection type XRF imaging has been studied. We have developed WD-XRF imaging spectrometer using WDS spectrometer, a straight polycapillary optics, and x-ray CCD camera. The advantage of WD-XRS is a high energy-resolution, approximately 40 eV. The problem of the present polycapillary optics will be discussed regarding spatial resolution. Similarly to WD-XRF imaging, XRD imaging spectrometer was developed in the laboratory. This technique will give us chemical imaging. The preliminary result will be shown.

Primary author

Prof. Kouichi Tsuji (Osaka City University)


Mr Masaki Yamanashi (Osaka City University) Mr Yuuki Takimoto (Osaka City University)

Presentation materials