Oct 5 – 10, 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Parametric and Characteristic X-Ray Radiation for Diagnostics of Interaction of Ultra-Relativistic Particles with Crystalline Deflectors

Oct 6, 2014, 10:00 AM
Hotel La Residenza

Hotel La Residenza


Dr Alexander Shchagin (Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)


A.V. Shchagin Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia Usually, results of interaction of relativistic particles with a crystalline deflector are observed as a variation in the angular distribution of the particles. But for recent ten, the understanding of properties of X-ray radiation of relativistic particles moving in a bent crystal has bee developed. Some properties of the parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) emitted in a bent crystal were first considered in [1]. The application of the PXR for online diagnostics of the interaction of the beam with bent crystal was proposed in [2]. In [3], it was analyzed possibility to use PXR for control of the bent crystal degradation. Besides, characteristic X-ray radiation of crystal atoms were used for monitoring of number of electrons passed through crystalline target [4]. More recently, new experiments [5,6] were performed to study X-ray radiation excited by protons in crystalline and non-crystalline targets, but any manifestations of crystal curvature were not observed yet. In present paper, we discuss different possibilities for application of parametric and characteristic X-ray radiation emitted from crystalline beam deflectors. Some peculiarities of X-rays emitted at different mechanisms of deflections, like channeling, volume reflection, and scattering on atomic rings are considered. Besides, applications of X-rays for monitoring of the beam intensity and for control of crystal alignment on a beam are discussed. The author acknowledges the partial support by the MES of RF under project 3.2009.2014/K. References 1. A.V. Shchagin, JETP Letters 80 (2004) 469-473. 2. A.V. Shchagin, J. Kharkiv Univ., Phys. Ser. “Nuclei, Particles Fields” 30 (2006) 35. 3. A.S. Gogolev, A.P. Potylitsyn, A.M. Taratin, Yu.S. Tropin, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 266 (2008) 3876. 4. A.V. Shchagin, V.I. Pristupa, N.A. Khizhnyak, Phys. Lett. A148 (1990) 485-488. 5. W. Scandale et al. Phys. Lett, B701 ( 2011) 180-185. 6. A.G. Afonin at al., Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Series “Plasma electronics and new methods of acceleration” №4(86) (2013) 315-319.

Primary author

Dr Alexander Shchagin (Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)

Presentation materials