5–10 Oct 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Bent Crystal Extraction from a 100 TeV Proton Collider

8 Oct 2014, 12:15


Prof. Alexander Kovalenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Proposal on the crystal assisted extraction of halo particles from a new 100 TeV proton collider which is under study in CERN is presented. It is suggested to produce a horisontal dogleg with the Lambertson magnet in a straight section of the collider as it was planned for a Super Fixed Target Beauty Fasility at the SSC. In this case the deflection angle of about 100 μrad or even smaller may be sufficient for the collider beam halo extraction. The critical bend radius Rc of the (110) silicon channels for channeling of 100 TeV/c protons is about 167 m. The crystal bend radius should be 5–10 Rc to ensure a maximal extraction efficiency. So, the crystal length should be 8–16 cm to obtain the required deflection of 100 μrad for channeled particles. The estimations show that the extraction efficincy of the collider beam halo can be about 90%. The extraction of a natural halo provides both the the collider beam collimation and the external beam for experiments with fixed targets.

Primary author

Prof. Alexander Kovalenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Dr Alexander Taratin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Walter Scandale (ROMA1)

Presentation materials