11:00 AM
Recent results on the effective theory of confining strings
Michele Caselle
(Università di Torino e INFN)
11:25 AM
Testing the Witten--Veneziano mechanism with the Yang--Mills gradient flow on the lattice
Marco Cè
(Scuola Normale Superiore e INFN - Pisa)
11:50 AM
The theta dependence of SU(N) gauge theories at finite temperature
Claudio Bonati
(INFN - Pisa)
12:15 PM
Local thermodynamical equilibrium, beta frame and transport coefficients
Francesco Becattini
(Università di Firenze e INFN)
12:40 PM
Present and future of neutrino physics and its role in elementary particle physics and astroparticle
Vito Antonelli
(Università degli Studi Milano e INFN)