18–24 May 2014
Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The JEM-EUSO mission

24 May 2014, 11:50
Therasia Resort, Conference Room (Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy)

Therasia Resort, Conference Room

Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy


Andrea Santangelo (IAAT Kepler Center, University of Tuebingen)


The exploration of the Extreme Universe, at energies around 10^20 eV, from space has now an history of studies and experimental and technological developments which traces back to about 20 years ago. In this contribution I will briefly summarize the science rationale behind the search from space of EECRs and I will then discuss the most recent developments of the studies on the EUSO configuration onboard the JEM module of the ISS. I will also present the current status of the pathfinder activities and potentially alternative mission scenarios.

Primary author

Andrea Santangelo (IAAT Kepler Center, University of Tuebingen)

Presentation materials