The purpose of these lectures is to bring together Nuclear Physics and
Astrophysics giving the scientific community, mainly PhD and Post docs,
the possibility to review and discuss the status and prospects of the field.
Lectures will be focused on those subjects of nuclear physics that impact astrophysics and constitute essential input for the understanding of various astrophysical processes and phenomena.
The scientific program will cover different topics:
Lecture series 1 - from 27/01 to 31/01 - Big Bang Nucleosynthesis-Observation (speaker Alain Coc - CSNSM, Orsay)
Lecture series 2 - from 03/02 to 07/02 - Reaction theories-Structure models for light nuclei (speaker Pierre Descouvemont - ULB, Bruxelles)
Lecture series 3 - from 10/02 to 14/02 - Pulsar and compact stars: experimental observations and theoretical models (speaker Ignazio Bombaci - Pisa University & INFN)
Lectures will be focused on those subjects of nuclear physics that impact astrophysics and constitute essential input for the understanding of various astrophysical processes and phenomena.
The scientific program will cover different topics:
Lecture series 1 - from 27/01 to 31/01 - Big Bang Nucleosynthesis-Observation (speaker Alain Coc - CSNSM, Orsay)
Lecture series 2 - from 03/02 to 07/02 - Reaction theories-Structure models for light nuclei (speaker Pierre Descouvemont - ULB, Bruxelles)
Lecture series 3 - from 10/02 to 14/02 - Pulsar and compact stars: experimental observations and theoretical models (speaker Ignazio Bombaci - Pisa University & INFN)