Status and future perspectives of charged particle therapy

CNAO Foundation

CNAO Foundation

Strada Campeggi, 53 27100 Pavia
The Scientific Committee 5 of INFN (technological and inter-disciplinary research) in collaboration with the Italian National Centre for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO), is organizing this workshop to discuss the main priorities and directions in charged particle therapy and related R&D, like treatment planning, monitoring, procedures, computing, nuclear physics, accelerators, etc. The main aim is to start a discussion in view of possible future research projects of INFN interest in this field. The workshop will be held on 17 and 18 December at the CNAO Foundation site in Pavia. Attendance is by invitation only. More information on the CNAO facility are available here.
Announce of the Social Dinner
We are also pleased to announce that the organization will offer a social dinner in the evening of 17 December. The event will take place in one of the historical buildings of University of Pavia. A Transportation service from CNAO to the dinner site will be organized. In order to help the organization we kindly ask you to give us confirmation of your participation to the social dinner and to inform us about possible dietary restrictions, within Wedn. 11 December.
Workshop registration will begin on December 17th at 11.00 am.
Please, send an e-mail to for the dinner registration
Streeming of the event
Thanks to the INFN Multimedia Group and for people not able to directly attend, we are able to transmit the whole event in live streaming.
Click here for the streaming of the Workshop.
  • Adele Rimoldi
  • Agostino Lanza
  • Alberto Andrighetto
  • Aldo Zenoni
  • Alessia D'Orazio
  • Andrea Attili
  • Andrea Davide Ottolenghi
  • Angelica Facoetti
  • Anna Mastroberardino
  • Antonio Antoccia
  • Armando Buttafava
  • Atsushi Kitagawa
  • Barbara Vischioni
  • Ben Liu
  • Bernd Mößlacher
  • Carlo Civinini
  • Caterina Tanzarella
  • Cinzia Talamonti
  • Cirilli Manuela
  • Cristina Pugliatti
  • Damien BERTRAND
  • Daniela Bettega
  • Daniele Alloni
  • Domenico Lo Presti
  • Edoardo Milotti
  • Eleuterio Spiriti
  • Elisa Fiorina
  • Enrico Fagotti
  • Eugenio Nappi
  • Fabio Longhitano
  • Francesca Ballarini
  • Francesco Pennazio
  • Francesco Romano
  • Franco Garibaldi
  • Germano Russo
  • Giancarlo Sportelli
  • Gianfranco Grossi
  • Gianluca Traversi
  • Giorgia Maccioni
  • Giorgio Baiocco
  • Giovanni Ambrosi
  • Giovanni Ciavola
  • Giovanni Pirrone
  • Giulia Fontana
  • Giuseppe Battistoni
  • Giuseppe Cirrone
  • Guido Baroni
  • Ian Postuma
  • Jacopo Morini
  • Katia Parodi
  • Laura De Nardo
  • Leonello Servoli
  • Luca Tomassetti
  • Luciano Falbo
  • Luigi Casalegno
  • M.Antonella Tabocchini
  • Mara Bruzzi
  • marco Donetti
  • Marco Durante
  • Marco Pullia
  • Marco Schwarz
  • Maria Antonietta Piliero
  • Maria Giuseppina Bisogni
  • Mario Ciocca
  • Mario Pietro Carante
  • Massimo Carpinelli
  • Mauro Belli
  • Michele Grossi
  • Niccolo' Camarlinghi
  • Nunzio Randazzo
  • Paola Calzolari
  • Paola Sala
  • Paolo Colautti
  • Piergiorgio Cerello
  • Raffaele De Leo
  • Rehinard Shulte
  • Renata Longo
  • Riccardo Faccini
  • Roberto Cherubini
  • Roberto Cirio
  • Roberto Nicolini
  • Roberto Orecchia
  • Sandro Rossi
  • Santo Gammino
  • Saverio Altieri
  • Sofia Barbieri
  • Speranza Falciano
  • Stefania Pallotta
  • Thomas Haberer
  • Valentina Spano
  • Valeria Conte
  • Valeria Rosso
  • Valeria Sipala
  • Valerio Vercesi
  • Veronica Valsecchi
  • Vincenzo Patera
  • Viviana De Nadal
  • Viviana Fanti
  • Viviana Vitolo
Dr. GAP Cirrone (INFN-LNS)