13th LNF Mini-workshop series: The Higgs Physics

Manuela Boscolo (LNF), Mario Antonelli (LNF), Tommaso Spadaro (LNF)
The recent discovery of The Higgs boson at LHC left a number of open questions: is the Higgs "alone" in the accessible energy range? are the properties of the Higgs those expected from the Standard Model?
The present theoretical status, the perspectives on the Higgs physics observables at the present LHC, the ideas presently debated for future machines, the present status and the perspectives for the observables assessing Higgs exchange from flavour physics will be discussed in this workshop, belonging to the Frascati physics seminars.


Streaming: http://www.lnf.infn.it/sis/photovideo/streaming.html Free attendance contacts: manuela.boscolo@lnf.infn.it
    • 1
      Welcome from the LNF Director
      Speaker: Umberto Dosselli (PD)
    • 2
      Theoretical Overview on Higgs Physics
      Speaker: Gino Isidori (LNF)
    • 3
      Higgs Properties at the LHC
      After the discovery of a new neutral boson at LHC, the ATLAS and CMS collaboration have almost completed the analysis of the LHC Run 1 data. The first part of the talk will focus on what we have learnt on the Higgs boson from the current ATLAS and CMS Run 1 results. The properties measured by the two collaborations in terms of mass, Spin/CP and couplings to SM particles will be reviewed. The second part of the talk will focus on what will be the ultimate precision achievable on Higgs boson properties with the High Luminosity LHC run, which targets an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb-1 at 14 TeV. The projections from ATLAS and CMS collaborations in terms of CP determination and couplings, recently derived for the European Strategy and ECFA meetings, will be discussed.
      Speaker: Fabio Cerutti (LBNL)
    • 4
      Higgs Factories (circular and linear e+e-, pp, muon colliders, gamma-gamma-colliders, etc...)
      The discovery of the Higgs boson seems to close the Standard Model, but many questions remain unanswered for which one can envisage higher precision (to test the existence of very weakly coupled particles) or a higher reach in Energy. Various possibilities will be reviewed, and the CERN FCCs study of future circular colliders (VLHC and TLEP) will be shown to offer the best of both worlds.
      Speaker: Dr Alain Blondel (Geneve Univ.)
    • 5
      Probing the Higgs mechanism with flavour physics: status and perspectives
      The flavour structure in the Standard Model (SM), and in many of its extensions, is completely determined by the mechanism that breaks the electroweak symmetry, i.e. the Higgs mechanism. The precision measurements in flavour changing neutral currents (FCNC) performed in the past at e+e- B-factories, today at LHCb and in a near future at the upgraded LHCb and Belle-II provide evidence for the Higgs mechanism as the correct solution. Moreover, in specific helicity suppressed FCNC decays, like Bs-->mu+mu-, the agreement with the SM put strong constrains on new scalar particles beyond the SM Higgs boson.
      Speaker: Dr Frederic Teubert (CERN)
    • 17:20
      Coffee Break