City of Bologna
Bologna is one of the most pleasant cities in Italy. Bologna is also one of the most known cities because of the presence of the oldest university in Europe, Alma Mater Sudiorum - University of Bologna. Take a while to read about its history and statistics.
Meeting room
The meeting will take place in the Aula della Specola, hosted in the Palazzo Poggi, the main center of the University of Bologna, with the headquarter of the Rector. The meeting room is in the tower, at the third floor.
Palazzo Poggi, a noble palace of the XVI century, is located in via Zamboni 33, in the city center. Several important museums are present in the building: Natural History, Anatomy, Physics , Military architecture museum, Geography and nautical science museum. In addition the museum La specola, which in XVIII century was an astronomical observatory, is located in the tower of Palazzo Poggi.
Catering facilities
Coffee breaks, offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy, will be served in the room Aula Carducci. The room is at 1st floor of Palazzo Poggi.