T. O'Donnell - Recent Results from KamLAND and KamLAND-Zen
Thomas O'Donnell(University of California Berkeley (UCB) & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL))
Pontecorvo room (LNGS)
Pontecorvo room
The KamLAND-Zen experiment is a new application of the Kam-LAND detector running in parallel with the ongoing antineutrino program at KamLAND. While KamLAND studies mainly reactor and geo-neutrinos, KamLAND-Zen searches for neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay of 136Xe using a target of Xe-loaded liquid scintillator placed at the center of KamLAND. KamLAND-Zen recently completed its first phase of running, yielding a lower limit for the 0νββ decay half-life of 136Xe:T0ν1/2>1.9×1025 yr at 90% C.L. Combining limits from KamLAND-Zen and EXO-200 gives: T0ν1/2>3.4 ×1025 yr at 90% C.L. Based on available nuclear matrix element calculations, this result is in tension with the neutrinoless double-beta decay detection claim in 76Ge reported by a part of the Heidelberg-Moscow collaboration. In this talk I will describe the KamLAND/KamLAND-Zen experiments, the 0νββ results, as well results from the latest antineutrino dataset at KamLAND which includes the recent protracted shutdown of Japanese nuclear reactors.
Thomas O'Donnell
University of California Berkeley (UCB)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)