30 September 2013 to 1 October 2013
Torino (ITALY)
Europe/Rome timezone

Photon modeling in TGFs and prospects of the ASIM mission

1 Oct 2013, 16:05
Torino (ITALY)

Torino (ITALY)


Dr Paul Connell (Univ. Valencia - Image Processing Laboratory)


We present here the instruments of the ASIM mission to the ISS in 2015 to observe TGFs and associated TLEs, its current status of construction and testing. We will also talk about a new software package being developed at the University of Valencia to simulate the scattering physics of MeV electrons so that users interested in simulating theories of TGF origin will only have to specify the geometry of electric and magnetic fields, plus the geometries of energetic electron fluxes, in a script based system, to be able run the software and analyse its output.

Presentation materials