17 April 2013
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali <!--ID_UTENTE=503--> di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Tentative Programme

Tentative Programme

09:00-09:15    Introduction (M. Bertani, INFN LNF)

09:15-09:35    Simulations (L.L. Wang, IHEP)

09:35-09:55    Backgrounds (M. Ye, IHEP)

09:55-10:15    Space available for GEM installation (M.Y. Dong, IHEP)

10:15-10:25    Solving ambiguities in the GEM proposal (R. Baldini, INFN LNF)

10:25-10:45    GEM present and developments (Noglue) (S. Lauciani, INFN LNF)

10:45-11:00    CAEN Presentation (G. Di Maio, CAEN)

11:00-11:30    Break

11:30-11:50    GEM present and developments (Use of Rohacell) (M. Savrié, INFN Ferrara)

11:50-12:10    FE electronic group presentations

12:10-12:30    Present ASIC designs at TO-INFN and future perspectives for BESIIICGEM (M. Maggiora and S. Marcello)

12:30-13:00    Discussion

13:00-15:00    Lunch

15:00-15:20    KLOE2 IT FEE chain (F. Loddo, INFN Bari)

15:20-15:40    The BESIII IT readout requirements (front end & DAQ) (G. Felici, INFN LNF)

15:40-16:00    ASICs availability/development for strip readout

16:00-16:30    Break

16:30-17:00    HV-LV & Slow Control

17:00-18:00    Activity in 2013 and general discussion