26–31 May 2013
Europe/Rome timezone

The Workshop on Tau Charm at High Luminosity has been originated by the charge given to the Cabibbo Lab by its Consortium Associates, INFN and University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, to explore a Tau Charm Factory project on the Tor Vergata site. A final decision on the project will come within 2013.

A symmetric e+e- collider operating at the energy of the tau/charm production threshold, with polarized electron beam, is being studied. A preliminary accelerator complex layout has been developed and will be presented, as well as a study of the relevant parameters to achieve the luminosity goal of 1035 cm-2 s-1.

Projects of similar high luminosity machine have been recently studied in different context (e. g. at BINP), reflecting the wide-spread perception in the community that the scientific goals are very relevant.

A joint IHEP-SuperB workshop on physics and the tau-charm threshold was held in Beijing in October 2011. Aim of this workshop is to gather the physics community interested or already engaged in similar projects together with the experts in the field of low energy e+e- colliders to ascertain the discovery potential of this high intensity facility. A specific theoretical seminar will be held to review the novel opportunities with respect to new physics scenarios and to the improvement in understanding the current Standard Model. The experimental challenges of the most attractive discovery channels will be discussed, together with the expected sensitivities.

The first three days of the workshop will be dedicated to the physics goals and to the detector challenges of a high luminosity tau/charm factory with polarized electron beam, as well to the discussion on possible new developments and issues of the accelerator design. The fourth day will be dedicated to the presentation of the status of the accelerator project and to concluding reports on physics and detector topics.

<a target="_blank" href=http://www.elba4star.it/HH/index-Eng.html><font size="4"><b>Hotel Hermitage</b></font></a> La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
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