First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
alessandro | baldini | INFN Pisa |
Alessandro | Corvaglia | I.N.F.N. |
Alessandro | Miccoli | INFN Lecce |
Alessia | L'Erario | INFN Lecce |
Andre | Schöning | Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg |
Andrea | Romanino | SISSA |
Andrew | Edmonds | University College London |
Andrzej | Czarnecki | University of Alberta |
Aurora | Pepino | INFN |
Avelino | Vicente | LPT Orsay |
Basem | Khanji | INFN |
Boris | Khazin | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Carlo | Pinto | Università del Salento- INFN Lecce |
Carlo | Santangelo | AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES |
Christoph | Schwanda | Institute of High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Claudia | Hagedorn | University of Padua and SISSA |
Claudio | Coriano' | Universita' del Salento |
Daniela | Dell'Anna | Unisalento |
David | Brown | Lawrence Berkeley Lab |
David | Hitlin | Caltech |
Douglas | Bryman | University of British Columbia |
Douglas | Glenzinski | Fermilab |
Edmond | Dukes | University of Virginia |
Emanuela | Cianci | INFN Lecce |
Eunil | Won | Korea University |
Evgueni | Goudzovski | University of Birmingham |
Fabrizio | Cei | University of Pisa |
Farrukh | Azfar | University of Oxford |
Francesco | Grancagnolo | INFN |
Francesco | Tenchini | INFN Pisa |
Franco | Bedeschi | INFN - Sezione di Pisa |
Gianantonio | Pezzullo | INFN sezione di Pisa |
Giancarlo | Piredda | INFN Roma |
Gianluigi | Chiarello | INFN LECCE |
Giovanni | Grieco | CAEN SpA |
Giovanni | Signorelli | INFN Sezione di Pisa |
Giovanni F | Tassielli | Fermilab |
h | h | h |
Hiroaki | NATORI | KEK |
James | Miller | Boston University |
Letizia | Lusito | Northwestern University |
Lorenzo | Calibbi | ULB |
Luca | Galli | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Luigi | Delle Rose | universita' del Salento |
Marco | Grassi | INFN - Pisa |
Marco | Panareo | Università del Salento - INFN Lecce |
Mark | Lancaster | UCL |
Masaharu | Aoki | Osaka University |
Matteo | Spedicato | INFN Lecce |
Michele | Ardito | Farnell Italia srl |
Michele | Cascella | INFN and University of Salento |
Michele | Redi | INFN Firenze |
Minghui | Liu | University of Science and Technology of China |
Monica | Aguglia | INFN Lecce |
Moritz | Kiehn | Universität Heidelberg |
nicola | serra | AdvanSiD |
Niklaus | Berger | Heidelberg University |
Paola | Mazzotta | INFN Lecce |
Paride | Paradisi | CERN |
Pasquale | Ruggiero | Microlease |
Patrizio | Primiceri | INFN Lecce |
Peter | Dornan | Imperial College |
Pietro | Creti | INFN Lecce |
Pinky | Sergi | INFN Lecce |
Rasulkhozha | Sharafiddinov | Theoretical Physics Division, Particles and Unifications Theory Group at the Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Robert | Bernstein | Fermilab |
Robert | Tschirhart | Fermilab |
Ron | Ray | Fermilab |
Ryu | Sawada | the University of Tokyo |
Simeone | Dussoni | INFN Pisa |
Simona | Rella | INFN Lecce |
Stefan | Ritt | Paul Scherrer Institute |
stefano | miscetti | LNF INFN Frascati |
Stéphane | Lavignac | IPhT Saclay |
Thomas | Hambye | Univ. of Brussels (ULB) |
Thomas | Mannel | Siegen University |
Tommaso | Tessitore | Teledyne LeCroy |
Vitaly | Pronskikh | Fermilab |
William | Molzon | University of California, Irvine |
Yael | Shadmi | Technion |
Yoshi | Uchida | Imperial College London |
Yoshitaka | Kuno | Osaka University |
Yusuke | UCHIYAMA | ICEPP, The University of Tokyo |
Yuval | Grossman | Cornell |
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