9–12 Sept 2013
Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building
Europe/Rome timezone

To learn light scalars from semileptonic decays of heavy quarkonia

12 Sept 2013, 15:30
Aula Amaldi (Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building)

Aula Amaldi

Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Roma


Prof. Nikolay Achasov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)


Thee mechanisms of light scalar meson production in the D_s+\to s\bar s e+\nu\to [\sigma(600)+f0(980)] e+\nu\to\pi+\pi-e+\nu decays are compared with the mechanisms of light pseudoscalar meson production in the D_s+\to s\bar s e+\nu\to (\eta/\eta') e+\nu decays. It is shown that the s\bar s\to\sigma(600) transition is negligibly small in comparison with the s\bar s\to f_0(980) one. As for the s\bar s\to f_0(980) transition, its intensity makes near thirty percent from the intensity of the s\bar s\to\eta_s (\eta_s=s\bar s ) transition. The D_s+\to\pi+\pi- e+\nu decays support the previous conclusion about a dominant role of the four-quark components ud\bar u\bar d and sd\bar s\bar d in the \sigma(600) and f0(980) mesons, respectively. The program of the light scalar investigation in the semileptonic decays of the D+(D-), D0(\bar D0) and B+(B-), B0(\bar B0) mesons is discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Nikolay Achasov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)

Presentation materials