Parallel Session C
- Carlos Munoz (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid UAM & Instituto de Física Teorica IFT-UAM/CSIC)
Juan de Dios Zornoza
22/05/2013, 16:30
Dark matter is one of the most important scientific goals for neutrino telescopes. These instruments have particular advantages with respect to other experimental approaches. Compared to direct searches, the sensitivity of neutrino telescopes to probe the spin-dependent cross section of WIMP-proton is unsurpassed. On the other hand, neutrino telescopes can look for dark matter in the Sun, so a...
Roberto A. Lineros
(IFIC (CSIC/U.Valencia))
22/05/2013, 17:10
Synchrotron emission from electron cosmic ray populations can be used to study both cosmic rays physics and WIMP dark matter imprints on radio skymaps. We used available radio data - from MHz to GHz - to analyze the contribution from galactic WIMP annihilations and impose constraints on WIMP observables: annihilation cross section, channel and mass. Depending on the annihilation channel we...
Clara Cuesta
(University of Zaragoza)
22/05/2013, 17:50
The ANAIS (Annual Modulation with NaI(Tl) Scintillators) experiment aims at the confirmation of the DAMA/LIBRA signal using the same target and technique at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory. 250 kg of ultrapure NaI(Tl) crystals will be used as a target, divided into 20 modules, each coupled to two photomultipliers. Two NaI(Tl) crystals of 12.5 kg each, grown by Alpha Spectra from a powder...
Miguel Peiró
22/05/2013, 18:10
Nowadays the situation regarding the detection of Dark Matter (DM) is extremely exciting and promising. On the one hand, indirect detection experiments, such as Femi-LAT, are collecting data from the whole sky and beginning to constrain vanilla DM models, specially for light DM masses. On the other hand, direct detection experiments have reached an unprecedented sensitivity, starting to...