22–24 May 2013
Physics Department, University "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Hard and long life GRB130427A by a thin persistent gamma blazing jets

22 May 2013, 18:42
Physics Department, University "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy

Physics Department, University "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy

Piazzale Aldo Moro 2 00185 Roma


Prof. Daniele Fargion (ROMA1)


GRBs have been found within a wide range of power and photon energy spectra. Their understanding was usually seen as the largest explosion, fireball, billion times a SN one. Fireball, by definition were isotropic. Last decades have been an evolution of fire-ball hitting shells in some fountain of tens degree size. I advocated since 1998 a much thinner jet whose solid angle is a part of a billion: it is blazing at SN output while in axis appear as a GRB output. Its spread precessing, bending and blazing leads to high variability, gamma photons at high energy and long life. As in GRB130427A event.

Primary author

Prof. Daniele Fargion (ROMA1)

Presentation materials