10–12 giu 2013
Palazzo del Bo', Padova, Italy
Europe/Rome fuso orario
<i>Presentations Available Online</i>

Lifetime measurements by Doppler methods with the RoSphere array

11 giu 2013, 15:20
Aula Nievo (Palazzo del Bo', Padova, Italy)

Aula Nievo

Palazzo del Bo', Padova, Italy

Oral Session 7


Constantin Mihai (HH IFIN Bucharest)


The Doppler techniques ( DSAM- Doppler Shift Attenuation Method and RDDS Recoil Distance Doppler Shift) are widely used gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques aimed at measuring the lifetime of excited nuclear states by using the Doppler shift of the de-exciting gamma-ray transition as a stopwatch. The RoSphere setup installed at the Bucharest TANDEM was used for lifetime measurements by the DSAM method in heavy ions and alpha induced reactions and by the RDDS method, in connection with a plunger device build following the Cologne design. Combined with in-beam fast timing technique, the lifetime experiments yielded a quasi-complete study of 120Te, part of a wider experimental campaign aimed at studying the collective behaviour in light Tellurium isotopes. The specific details of the methods and reaction mechanisms will be discussed and results will be presented.

Autore principale

Constantin Mihai (HH IFIN Bucharest)


Dr. Alexander Pasternak (Cyclotron Laboratory, A.F. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia) Dr. Alexandru Negret (IFIN-HH) Dr. Dan Filipescu (IFIN-HH) Dr. Dan Gabriel Ghita (IFIN-HH) Dr. Dana Deleanu (IFIN-HH) Dr. Dorel Bucurescu (IFIN-HH) Prof. Gheorghe Cata-Danil (IFIN-HH, Physics Department, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania) Sig.na Ioana Gheorghe (IFIN-HH) Dr. Irina Cata-Danil (IFIN-HH) Dr. Lucian Stroe (IFIN-HH) Prof. Marin Ivascu (IFIN-HH) Prof. Nicolae Victor Zamfir (IFIN-HH) Dr. Nicu Marginean (IFIN-HH) Dr. Raluca Marginean (IFIN-HH) Sig. Razvan Lica (IFIN-HH) Sig. Sebastian Toma (IFIN-HH) Dr. Sorin Pascu (IFIN-HH) Dr. Tiberiu Sava (IFIN-HH) Dr. Tudor Glodariu (IFIN-HH)

Materiali di presentazione