207 Paolotti (Department of Physics and Astronomy - University of Padova)

207 Paolotti

Department of Physics and Astronomy - University of Padova

Via F.Marzolo, 8 35131 Padova Italy
Annual GASPARD-HYDE-TRACE (GHT) workshop to assess the status and progress of the GHT collaboration. The agenda at the workshop will comprise: -Status and progress of the GHT projects -Simulation (detectors, signals, etc.) -New detectors (silicon, etc.) -Pulse Shape Analysis (technique and experimental results) -Electronics (FEE, BEE) -DAQ -General discussion The workshop is organized under the auspices of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padova and the INFN. The initiative is supported by the European Gamma and Ancillary Detectors Network (EGAN) of ENSAR (FP-7). In the spirit of EGAN an effort will be also devoted to promote synergies and exchange of information among groups developing detectors, electronics and simulation tools for state-of-the-art silicon detectors in low-energy nuclear physics. Therefore some contributions will be allocated for this purpose. In addition, a round table will be dedicated to promote discussion among the participants and the coordination of their activities.
  • Alain Gillibert
  • Alberto Pullia
  • Andrea Triossi
  • Andrea Triossi
  • Bernard Genolini
  • Daisuke Suzuki
  • Daniele Mengoni
  • Daniele Mengoni
  • Domenico Torresi
  • Emanuel POLLACCO
  • Emanuele Strano
  • FAUL Tatjana
  • Gabriele Pasquali
  • Giuseppe Verde
  • Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
  • Jose' Duenas
  • Kripamay Mahata
  • Leonardo Pigatto
  • Marco Mazzocco
  • Marlène Assié
  • Michele Gelain
  • Nicola Zorzi
  • Philipp Rudolf John
  • Philippe ROSIER
  • Roberto Isocrate
  • Silvia Lenzi
  • Stefano Capra
  • Valérie Chambert
      • 1
        Relatore: Daniele Mengoni (INFN)
      • 2
        Relatore: Prof. Silvia Monica Lenzi (PD)
    • Status and Progress of the GHT Projects
      • 3
        GASPARD (D.Beaumel-IPNO)
        Relatore: Dr. Marlène ASSIÉ (IPNO)
      • 4
        HYDE (I.Martel-UHU)
        Relatore: Dr. Jose' DUENAS (University of Huelva)
      • 5
        TRACE (D.Mengoni-UniPd)
        Relatore: Daniele Mengoni (INFN)
    • Discussion
    • 16:10
      Coffee Break
    • Pulse Shape Analysis

      Technique and Experimental Results

      • 6
        Dependency of the detector bias on PSA for H isotopic separation
        Studies perform during our last experiment have shown the dependency of the detector bias on PSA for proton-deuterium particle identification. Working bias voltage close to depletion have shown better separation than over-bias regime, in which the current signal is proportional to the applied electric field.
        Relatore: Dr. Jose' DUENAS (University of Huelva)
      • 7
        Relatore: Dr. Kripamay MAHATA (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)
      • 8
        Pulse shape analysis
        Relatore: Sig. Bernard GENOLINI (IPN Orsay (IN2P3-CNRS-Univ. Paris South))
    • Discussion
    • Simulation

      Detectors, Signals, etc.

      • 9
        GASPARD Simulation
        Relatore: Dr. Marlène ASSIÉ (IPNO)
      • 10
        Signal Simulation
        Relatore: L. PIGATTO (UniPd)
    • Discussion
    • 10:40
      Coffee Break
    • New Detector Technologies
      • 11
        Overview of silicon radiation detector technologies at FBK
        Relatore: Dr. Nicola Zorzi (Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK)
      • 12
        Diamond Detectors
        Relatore: Dr. Jose' DUENAS (University of Huelva)
      • 13
        Interpad Effect
        Relatore: M. Gelain (UniPd)
      • 14
        Characterization of DSSSD using a microbeam
        Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors are highly segmented detectors. They are widely used in nuclear physics thanks to their large area and high granularity The segmentation of Silicon strip detectors is obtained by means of a SiO$_2$ insulating layer (interstrip) interposed between adjacent strips. It is known in literature that ionizing particles hitting the detector in proximity of an interstrip gap can generate signals of reduced amplitudes or with an inverted polarity, thus reducing the overall efficiency for the full energy reconstruction. In order to study the detector behavior for events corresponding to particles entering the detector in the interstrip gap (both for ohmic and junction side), signals of positive and negative polarity were acquired at the same time. We will present the results of a complete characterization of DSSSD detectors by using Li and O beams as well by irradiating the interstrip regions with a proton microbeam. The use of the microbeam allowed to clearly correlate the response of the detector with the point of impact of the incoming particle onto the detector surface. Moreover results concerning the efficiency for full energy reconstruction for different ions (H, Li and O), bombarding energies and detector polarization voltages will be presented and discussed.
        Relatore: Domenico Torresi (PD)
    • Discussion
    • 13:05
      Lunch Break
    • Electronics
      • 15
        "Fast reset" ASIC Preamplifier
        Integrated charge sensitive preamplifier for nuclear spectroscopy, equipped with innovative range - booster. It has excellent linearity over the range 10 KeV - 100 MeV and it's designed for use with HPGe or Silicon detectors.
        Relatore: Dr. Stefano CAPRA (University of Milano)
      • 16
        Proposal for GASPARD front-end electronics
        Relatore: Dr. Valérie CHAMBERT (IPNO)
      • 17
        TRACE Digitizers on FPGA
        Relatore: Andrea Triossi (LNL)
      • 18
        GET (Pollacco) & CHYMENE (Gillibert): A status Report
        GET stands for General Electronics for TPCs. It is a system with at architecture set for an ASIC front-end and a micro-TCA back-end. The front-end allows signal sampling and a GUI controlled pre-amplifier+filter external/internal hardware. Hence the capacity to include DSSSDs The back-end includes units for data reduction integrated with a numeric 3 level trigger with a capacity of 20GB/sec transfer per 10,000 channels. GET integrates NARVAL and parameter control and external clocking for event stamping. Pro-type are in operational and production of approx 50,000 channels are previewed in 2013. CHYMENE - a Status Report will be given of the solid windowless target designed for direct reactions and resonant scattering.
        Relatore: Dr. Emanuel Pollacco (CEA - Saclay)
    • Discussion
    • 16:25
      Coffee Break
    • Mechanics
      • 19
        Mechanical integration of GASPARD
        The first sketches of the GASPARD inside AGATA are presented. This shows the preliminary shapes of the trapezoidal silicon detectors and the vacuum chamber linked to the CHYMENE target.
        Relatore: Sig. Philippe ROSIER (IPN Orsay)
      • 20
        Relatore: Dr. Alain GILLIBERT (CEA/IRFU/SPhN)
    • Discussion
    • Coupling and DAQ
      • 21
        GTS @ Spiral2
        Relatore: Andrea Triossi (LNL)
      • 22
        Relatore: Daniele Mengoni (INFN)
    • Discussion
    • 10:40
      Coffee Break
    • Detector Systems
      • 23
        AGATA @ GANIL
        Relatore: Prof. Silvia Monica Lenzi (PD)
      • 24
        Pulse Shape Analysis of Si signals: what we have learnt within the FAZIA collaboration
        In order to optimize Pulse Shape Analysis of silicon signals one has first to determine the main features of the underlying physical process in the detector.Starting from this knowledge, a careful optimization work must be performed both on the sensor itself (the silicon chip) and on the associated electronics. Since 2006, the FAZIA collaboration is studying this topic. The talk will try to summarize what has been learnt until now.
        Relatore: Gabriele Pasquali (FI)
      • 25
        The Farcos project and space-time probes of nuclear reactions
        Two- and multi-particle correlations provide space-time probes of the reaction between two heavy ions. By means of imaging techniques it is possible to extract information on the size and lifetime of particle emitting sources. These observables can also be used to access spectroscopic information about unbound states in exotic nuclei. In order to achieve these goals a high resolution in angle and energy measurement is required. The Farcos project (Femtscope Array for Correlations and Spectroscopy) consists of the construction of an array of silicon strip and CsI(Tl) detectors aimed at addressing the physics goals described above. The physics and status of the project will be presented, with emphasis to the future perspectives offered by the array.
        Relatore: Giuseppe Verde (CT)
      • 26
        The high granularity, high solid angle, EXPADES detection array for the EXOTIC online RIBs production facility
        The EXPADES (EXotic PArticle DEtection System) [1] detecting setup consists of 16 Double Side Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSSD) with active areas of 64 x 64 mm2, arranged in 8 ∆E (40 µm) - E (300 µm) telescopes. All detector faces are divided into 32 strips 2-mm wide, ensuring a 2 x 2 mm2 pixel configuration. Alternatively 8 ionization chambers can be used as ∆E stages or, if needed, as an additional third layer for more complex triple telescopes. Both the signals from the silicon ∆E layers and the ionization chambers are read by using standard electronic chains, while 32-channel ASIC chips are employed for the E stages. This detecting setup is still under development but several tests have been already performed, obtaining promising results, on each device (ionization chambers, ∆E stage, E stage, electronics) with radioactive sources, test signals and the scattered particles from a 58Ni target by an incident 17O beam.
        Relatore: Emanuele Strano (PD)
    • Discussion
    • Summary and Conclusions
    • 13:20
      Lunch Break
    • Collaboration Meeting (Closed Session)