Minutes of 120328 EMC meeting with the forward advisory committee
Indico agenda page at:
1) Discussion of forward technologies
Slides at:
Discussion of x5 criterion was inconclusive, with both the view
that x1-2 is appropriate, and the view that we should stick with x5.
For now, we hope that problem will go away with the work
being done on the shielding.
We should know the answer to this beginning in about 3 weeks.
We may be able to make progress on clustering as well.
Skepticism expressed concerning pure CsI radiation hardness;
needs work. Pure CsI vendors are Kharkov and Saint Gobain; maybe
the Chinese could be interested.
[fcp note:
A paper on studies of the rad hardness of pure CsI
from Kharkov for Belle may be found at:
Concerning the BaBar CsI(Tl) radiation hardness, there is quite a bit
of data. BaBar did a 16-crystal array test of the effects of radiation.
[fcp note:
SLAC-PUB-10352 describes this test; possibly there
are other documents as well(?)
Measurements on the acutal BaBar crystals are reported in:
I have uploaded a presentation from David Doll, looking at the
full-life history, to the Indico
agenda page:
David Hitlin's slides summarizing these results are in the Orsay 2009
meeting agenda:
(See Parallel II - EMC session)
Much discussion on the question of whether the full LYSO endcap
was a defensible baseline for the TDR even if the background
issues were mitigated. The issue is the bleak funding picture
and whether the proposal would be DOA in a review.
Claudia and Frank took action item to speak with Francesco
and Blair.
There was agreement that we could drop PWO and BGO from
further consideration for the TDR baseline
We should have news on the effect of removing the 8 MeV
cut on photons in fastsim in around a week.
2) AOB
Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday (not Wednesday), April 10
Since this is a holiday period in Italy, please let Claudia
and I know if this poses problems.
There are minutes attached to this event.
Show them.