16–19 Oct 2012
Europe/Rome timezone

The New Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab

17 Oct 2012, 18:15
Aula B. Touschek, Bldg 36 (INFN-LNF)

Aula B. Touschek, Bldg 36


Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy


Graziano Venanzoni (LNF)


There is a long standing discrepancy between the Standard Model prediction for the muon g-2 and the value measured by the Brookhaven E821 Experiment. At present the discrepancy stands at about three standard deviations, with comparable accuracy between experiment and theory. Two new proposals at Femilab and J-PARC plan to improve the experimental uncertainty of a factor 4, and there is good motivation to expect a further reduction of the error from the theoretical side. I will review the status of the proposal to Fermilab, E989, and discuss how the goal of 0.14 ppm on the muon anomaly can be achieved, by collecting more than 21 times the statistics of the BNL measurement, and obtaining a factor of 3 reduction in the overall systematic error.

Primary author

Graziano Venanzoni (LNF)

Presentation materials