10–15 set 2012
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote
Europe/Lisbon fuso orario

Reggeometry of lepton- and hadron-induced exclusive diffractive processes

11 set 2012, 19:10
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Canary Islands (Spain)
Talk at plenary session Diffraction in DIS (phenomenology/theory) Diffraction in e-p Collisions (III)


Prof. Laszlo Jenkovszky (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)


A unified approach to exclusive diffractive lepton- and hadron- induced processes based on a unique pomeron containing two terms,
a "soft" and a "hard" one, is suggested. The relative weight of the two terms is controlled by relevant \tilde Q^2=Q^2+M_V^2-dependent factors,
where Q^2 is the virtuality of the external photon (or proton, Q_p^2=m_p^2) and M is the mass of the produced vector meson.
The t dependence of the residue is controlled by the slopes (inverse radii) of the colliding particles, thus jus

Autore principale

Prof. Laszlo Jenkovszky (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)


Dr. Adelmo Lavorini (University of Calabria) Dr. Andriy Saliy (BITP, Nat. Ac. Sc. Ukraine) Prof. Roberto Fiore (University of Calabria) Dr. Salvatore Fazio (BNL)

Materiali di presentazione