23–28 Sept 2012
Alghero, Sardegna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Undulator radiation inside a dielctric waveguide

26 Sept 2012, 12:00
Alghero, Sardegna, Italy

Alghero, Sardegna, Italy

Hotel Calabona
Novel sources: PXR&TR&FEL&Plasma S2-S5 Nouvel Sources: PXR&TR&FEL&Plasma


Mrs Anna Kotanjyan (Yerevan State University)


We investigate the radiation from a charge moving along a helix around a dielectric cylinder immersed in a homogeneous medium. We are mainly concerned with the radiation propagating inside the cylinder. The radiation intensity for the modes propagating inside the cylinder is evaluated by using the work done by the radiation field on the charge and by evaluating the energy flux through the cross-section of the cylinder.

Primary author

Mrs Anna Kotanjyan (Yerevan State University)


Prof. Aram Saharian (Yerevan State University)

Presentation materials