Mark Roberts
(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
02/10/2012, 09:00
The National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution operates two 14C AMS systems. The first system was purchased from the US-AMS Corporation and utilizes a 3 MV tandetron accelerator with a 59-sample sputter source. The second of these two systems is based around a 500 kV National Electrostatics Corporation Pelletron...
Fabio Scarpa
(Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro INFN)
02/10/2012, 09:30
Negative ion beams have been produced and accelerated by the TANDEM electrostatic accelerator at LNL since 1980 for experiments in Nuclear Physic. The Ion Sources and the negative injector layout will be illustrated as well as the Ion types produced and used until now. From several years a positive ECR Ion Source for the positive injector PIAVE has been introduced and put into operation. A...
Pertti Tikkanen
(University of Helsinki)
02/10/2012, 10:00
The 5-MV belt-driven vertical tandem accelerator of Department of Physics of University of Helsinki has been in use for 30 years. A user/operator view of the various experiments done in the past and planned for the future are given.