30 September 2012 to 5 October 2012
INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Europe/Rome timezone

General Information

VENUE: the Symposium will take place at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro INFN (Sala Villi), from Monday October 1st to Friday October 5th (lunch time). The Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro are located in Viale dell'Universita' 2, Legnaro (Padova), Italy, ph. +39-049-8068311. Legnaro is only 10 Km (6 miles) from Padova. Details on the routes to the Laboratories are available on the conference website.
REGISTRATION: it will open on Sunday 30th September at 17:30 (at Caffe’ Pedrocchi) and will continue on Monday, October 1st, at 8:30 (at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro).
WELCOME RECEPTION: the Organizing Committee will be glad to welcome SNEAP 2012 participants at a Welcome Reception, which will be served on Sunday, September 30th, at 18:30, at Caffé Pedrocchi. Caffe’ Pedrocchi is located in Padova downtown, Via VIII Febbraio 15.
TRANSFER FROM VENICE AIRPORT: Please, be informed that for participants arriving at Venice Airport, there are also private shuttle services from the Airport at the cost of about 30-35€ per person (70€ after 22:30). The service must be booked 24 hours in advance by contacting:
LANDOMAS BLUE SERVICE - http://www.landomas.it/ - e-mail: landomas@landomas.it - Ph. [+39] 049 8600382  - mobile ph. [+39] 335 8417474  - fax [+39] 049-8809553.
AIRSERVICE - http://www.airservicepadova.it/en/contacts - e-mail: reservation@airservicepadova.it, airservice@taxipadova.it – ph. +39 049 8704425 – fax +39 049 8705050.
For any help, please, contact the SNEAP 2012 Secretariat at sneap12@lnl.infn.it.

Bus transfers have been organized daily between the hotels in Padova and LNL for those participants who have requested this service in the registration form. Since the bus can stop only for a few seconds, participants are kindly recommended to be on time at the pick-up points. If you miss the bus, you can use the regular blue buses of the SITA company directed to “Agripolis”/"Sottomarina"/“Piove di Sacco” or call a taxi (http://www.taxipadova.it/ - ph. 049 – 651333).
In the evening, the buses will return participants to the same points.
The pick-up points of the bus “MICHIELOTTO Autoservizi” (remember this name to recognize the bus) will be:
For participants lodging at Hotel Igea: leaving the hotel, go straight about 50 meters till the crossroad with Via Falloppio, turn on the left; just after the newsagent’s there is a SITA bus stop.
For participants lodging at Hotel M14: leaving the hotel, turn on the left and then on the first road on the left (Via Carlo Cerato). You will reach Via Cavalletto, cross the road on the pedestrian strikes, you will find a bus stop.
For participants lodging at Hotel Donatello: the bus will stop in front of hotel “Casa del Pellegrino”, Via Cesarotti (just on the left side of the Basilica del Santo).
Monday, October 1st
- 7:30              Hotel IGEA
- 7:45              Hotel M14
- 7:50              Hotel DONATELLO
- 17:30            back to the hotels
Tuesday, October 2nd
- 8:00              Hotel IGEA
- 8:15              Hotel M14
- 8:20              Hotel DONATELLO
- 17:15            back to the hotels
Wednesday, October 3rd
- 8:00              Hotel IGEA
- 8:15              Hotel M14
- 8:20              Hotel DONATELLO
- 13:30            For companions joining the excursion: Hotel DONATELLO (Pick-up point Casa del
                         Pellegrino) to LNL
- 14:30            social excursion starting from LNL
- 23:00            back to the hotels from Restaurant.
Thursday, October 4th
- 8:00              Hotel IGEA
- 8:15              Hotel M14
- 8:20              Hotel DONATELLO
- 17:30            back to the hotels
Friday, October 5th
- 8:00              Hotel IGEA
- 8:15              Hotel M14
- 8:20              Hotel DONATELLO
- 14:30            back to the hotels