Ludwig Beck
(Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratorium / Beschleunigerlabor)
01/10/2012, 14:00
The MP-Tandem accelerator of the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratorium (MLL), the former „Beschleunigerlabor der LMU und TU München“ was running very reliable during the last years. The accelerator was running 7000 hours for experiments in the fields of nuclear and applied physics. The status of the Tandem accelerator will be presented and some technical problems of the past years of operation.
JL Conradie
(iThemba LABS)
01/10/2012, 14:30
The two electrostatic accelerators in operation at iThemba LABS are a 6 MV CN Van de Graaff accelerator dating back to 1962 and a 6 MV EN Tandem accelerator dating back to 1971.
The reliability of the CN Van de Graaff has become a major problem and a decision was made to embark on a refurbishment of the accelerator. To refurbish a 50 year old accelerator while still maintaining a research...
Sergio Bartalucci
01/10/2012, 15:00
In ordered crystal lattice very strong influence of crystal axes and planes electrical field on motion and interaction of fast charged particles with crystal atoms and nuclei exists. In works [1,2] it was shown that in monocrystal targets like possibility of fusion process with the participation of both target nuclei (e.g. ) and beam of fast nuclei (e.g. ), directed at Lindhard angle,...